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Neurophototherapy for Autism

Neurophototherapy for Autism: 5 Outstanding Benefits for Neurodiverse Adults

What are the psychological benefits of neurophototherapy? Neurophototherapy for autism: Nowadays, awareness around Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has increased, and advancements in science have led to the development ...
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Childrens Autism Books

Children’s Autism Books: 9 ASD and Sensory-Related Stories

As a parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you probably recognize the value of finding quality books that can help your child connect with ...
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What is Behavior Chaining

What is Behavior Chaining? Understanding its Role in ABA Therapy

What is an example of shaping chaining behavior? Behavior chaining is a widely utilized instructional strategy by therapists in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy sessions for individuals with ...
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Behavioral Momentum in ABA

Behavioral Momentum in ABA for Autism Spectrum Disorder

Behavioral momentum is crucial in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, especially when working with children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It refers to ...
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Best Autism Apps for 2024

Best Autism Apps for 2024: Tech for Better Outcomes In ASD!

Innovation is leading the way in the world of technology, and the field of autism apps is no exception. As we move into 2024, we ...
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Prompt Hierarchy in ABA Therapy

Prompt Hierarchy in ABA Therapy: 5 Steps to Bolster Learning

Discover how ABA professionals utilize the prompt hierarchy, a powerful teaching technique in therapy sessions.
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Traveling with Autism During the Holidays

Traveling with Autism: 7 Tips for Successful Traveling During Holidays

Make traveling with autism easier and more enjoyable! Learn expert tips from ABA Centers of America professionals that can make any holiday trip successful.
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Animal Therapy in Autism

Furry Companions and the Spectrum: Animal Therapy in Autism

In recent years, the therapeutic benefits of animal-assisted interventions have gained significant attention, particularly animal therapy for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As we explore innovative ...
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Autism Overdiagnosis

Navigating the Spectrum: Debunking the Myth of Autism Overdiagnosis

In recent years, discussions surrounding the potential overdiagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have sparked debates and raised questions like, is autism overdiagnosed? It\'s crucial ...
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Autism and Dementia

Autism and Dementia: Exploring the Correlation

Explore the common factors between autism and dementia, focusing on understanding their relationship among adults.
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Holidays with Autism

Holidays with Autism: 7 Tips to Keep It Jolly and Inclusive!

The good news is that caregivers, allies, and those on the autism spectrum don’t have to feel despair as joyous gatherings approach this holiday season. ...
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Relation Between Autism and Head Size

Relation Between Autism and Head Size: 3 Key Factors

As we learn more about autism, we can draw connections to other conditions, such as the link between autism and head size, clinically referred to ...
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Working as a Parent of a Child with Autism

Working as a Parent of a Child with Autism: 7 Helpful Tips

As a parent of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), you often face unique challenges balancing your career while having distinctive parenting experiences. While ...
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Y-BOCS Overview

Y-BOCS: Overview of Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale

Are you the parent of a child or teenager with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) wanting to learn more about the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, also called ...
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Neurodivergent Tests

Neurodivergent Tests: Screening Options and Next Best Steps!

Navigating the world of neurodiversity can be a challenging yet rewarding journey for every person touched by variances in brain function and those who love ...
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Autism Diagnosis Test

Autism Diagnosis Test: A Comprehensive Guide For Parents

Despite increased awareness of autism, some communities still perceive the disorder as a source of shame or are unaware of its real meaning, which leads ...
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Sports for kids with autism

Sports For Kids With Autism: 6 Ways to Stay Active

Due to the various challenges children and teens with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face, engaging in physical activities such as sports can be intimidating. From ...
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Discriminative Stimulus

Discriminative Stimulus: The Foundation Of ABA Therapy

Discriminative Stimulus is a technical term used to describe a stimulus or input that increases the likelihood of a response due to the client’s previous ...
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RAADS-R Autism Test

RAADS-R Autism Test: History and Definitions

Over the years, numerous diagnostic tests have emerged, each aiming to shed light on the intricacies of identifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in patients to ...
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Halloween with Autism

Halloween with Autism: 6 Tips to Keep It Fun and Less Scary!

As the season changes, many festive holidays are just around the corner. However, amongst all the fun, holidays like Halloween with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ...
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